About the Roadmap category

Want to know what’s coming next?

Here, you’ll find our planned features, divided into Now, Next and Later which is hopefully pretty self-explanatory. Take a look at what’s in store for Capitally and get excited! :star_struck:

Got an idea for a new feature? Head over to Proposals and share it with us!

You can also vote for your favorite features - just remember, you have a limited number of votes, so choose wisely! The number of available votes grows with your experience here, so stick around to have more say. :sunglasses:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! While we can’t make promises about which ideas we’ll implement or when, we really value your input and consider it as we shape the future of Capitally. :hugs:

Last but not least, this is only about the features and there’s a lot more work to do in-between, like marketing, maintaining the systems, or supporting you guys. Creating a good quality product is just like getting some solid returns - it simply takes time… :mantelpiece_clock: