Currency Returns Separated

Coming from other software like Sharesight, it’s pretty confusing that for portfolios that span multiple currencies, there’s only a single return value that includes the currency. Sometimes I need to evaluate the return of an investment independent of changes in currency and the only way to do that today is to go into the settings and change the main currency of the portfolio.

I think it would be really helpful for multi-currency portfolios to show separately the capital gain return, income return, currency return, and total return.

You actually can do that already. I’d argue, that Capitally has a much better multi-currency support than Sharesight.

First, you don’t have to change settings, on Portfolio page you can just change the viewing Currency:

Then, there’s a separate chart that breaks down returns into exactly the groups you asked:

And finally you can compare parts of your portfolio that are in different currencies

And even add a custom chart that compares currency returns among different currencies

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This is awesome. Thanks for being patient with a new comer and sharing the screenshots, that really helped me understand how to use that now. Definitely more powerful.

Thank you!

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