Datepicker edit doesn't work for prices in Custom asset creation


while creating new custom asset, itโ€™s impossible to type in date for Prices entry. The only way is to use datepicker, scroll and point and click. Minor, but a bug :slight_smile:

E.g. try to type in โ€œ2023โ€ by clicking on a year here:

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If youโ€™re trying to enter a year, keep in mind that the value might be too long, so it only registers the first two digits. For example, instead of seeing โ€œ2023,โ€ you might see โ€œ2002.โ€

An alternative is to use the โ€œupโ€ and โ€œdownโ€ arrows to select the year if youโ€™re on a desktop running Capitally :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for reporting - it used to work, and in the next version it will be working again :slight_smile: