Incorrect dividend "tax paid" calculation

Dividend transaction (shows tax paid as 74,97):

Details are:

18.82x3.9928=75,14 not 74,97

Could you please export this transaction and send it to me at

Just enable the selection mode above the table, select this transaction, and click Export → Export items

This transaction is missing the value currency. What’s more, it seems that asset has no currency information as well. That’s probably why the currency is off

Export is exporting all the items (regardless if json or excel) even if I checked only one transaction, seems like a bug?

BTW I am referring to Taxes Due page. The asset has USD currency.

I meant to export it from the Portfolio page, like below - it should export this one transaction, asset, account and market.

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Ok, I sent it.

Great, thanks.

Tax Due was using the transaction’s date for conversion - it’ll be fixed in the next version