Issues Importing Czech CSV


I’d love to test and use Capitally, but I’m stuck at the CSV import and have no idea how to proceed. I downloaded my CSV from, but it seems like only the Polish version ( is supported.

In advanced mode, I changed the account country and mapped Czech column names, yet I still get a large number of errors and warnings.

For example:
“Transaction type Vklad z bankovního účtu is not currently supported.”
This warning pops up even though I mapped “Vklad” (Deposit) to “Transfer”.

I’ve attached my CSV export from Could you take a look and help me resolve this? I’d appreciate any guidance.

Thanks in advance!

attachment redacted

Sure thing, I’ll use your file to properly map all the fields

@Jakub_Curik it will be available in a few minutes (v 1.58.4)

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Well, great job! It works like a charm now. Thanks for the update.

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