Potential issue with market value of deposit accounts

Hi there,

I think there’s a bug with the market value of deposit accounts, unless I’m not exactly clear on how to configure them. Up until now I had been using the “manual prices” feature, with a set schedule, which was easy because the rate wasn’t changing, but with recent multiple cuts to my country’s central bank rate, that’s not really a practical option anymore. So I decided to remove the manual prices and instead import the interest payment transactions.

When I do that, the “Total B-Tax returns” do reflect the earned interest income, but the market value remains at the initial deposit amount, so it looks like I have less money in that account that I actually have. For now, the work around I’m using is that I looked at the current balance on that account, divided it by the initial deposit amount, and used the result as the one manual price, and I’ll have to keep adjusting that every so often, but I think the right way to go would be to import the interest payment transactions and have the market value show the actual market value (i.e. current account balance).

Appreciate your help / feedback on that.


Hey, it works as designed. App doesn’t know what’s the current price based on interest payouts alone. For that, it would need the interest rate. It’s planned on the roadmap.

For now, the simplest way to track is to update the account balance from time to time, plus import the interest payouts as Interest transactions - as you do now. Then you’ll see both the returns and the current balance.

The concepts of return, value and balance are separate.

Hey Rafal, appreciate the feedback.

Given the fact it’s meant to represent a savings account, shouldn’t the app actually know about the current value simply based on initial deposit plus total of interest payments? Not sure why we would need the interest rate. The way I see it, we either need the interest rate(s) or we need the interest payments, and in this case the interest payments are there and obviously there’s no concept of the price/value going down since it’s cash, not a security.


On one hand yes, but it depends on the deposit. For example the current unrealized value requires the %, the same for forecasting payouts. There may be deposits where you wait a couple years - so you probably want to know your unrealized return.

But in your case you have one more option: the interest transaction can have the “Received asset quantity” set to the same amount as value. This will increase your current balance. Just the current imports don’t support this (the new will).

Still, the easiest way is to update the balance, as this will also account for any money transferred in or out.

It’s also worth pointing out, that this is not the final solution for deposits

Ah, I see - makes sense. I like the idea of the received asset quantity. Do you have a rough ETA as to when that would be released?


The field itself is already available (check reinvesting dividends). Imports are in progress, you can watch them here.

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