RSU/Stock Options

What is the best way to track stock options/rsu grants for which there is some exercise price, for non public companies?

The company is not public, so I am manually adding the Price for the asset. However, when I import the stock grant with exercise prices as the purchase price, it automatically sets the asset price to that value on that given day.

Hey Pawel!

When adding a transaction for custom asset you can set both the market and transaction price.

Then you can update the company valuation by editing just the price

Thank. I am not adding those manually, though. Is there a way to set market prices for new imports? I cannot see that possibility (I also checked in the advanced mode).

There is! Importing in advanced mode | Capitally

(btw - it doesn’t have to be added asset, you can pick any asset there or a column with an asset symbol/isin/name)

Do I need to import twice?
First import - transaction history (I cannot see an option to set an asset price here)
Second import - Asset price history

Depends on your file. If you have a single file with the transactions and both prices (or just % discount), then create Transactions history, fill it up as usual and then switch to Advanced mode and add the Set Market Price statement.

These are just templates, you can mix & match - but only in Advanced mode.

Perfect! I didn’t notice the plus button at the very end. I have it working now. Thanks

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A post was split to a new topic: Recording stock vesting